The Wishing Tree, A Story Of Osho

The Wishing Tree, A Story Of Osho

The wishing tree is one of Osho’s best-known stories. Let us remember that he was one of the most important religious leaders of the 20th century. He was considered a spiritual master, despite harsh criticism of Mahatma Gandhi and various leaders of his time.

Osho was undoubtedly a controversial character. At the time he was considered an extraordinary orator and a unique thinker  , he was the protagonist of several scandals  that still weigh heavily on his memory. He is remembered for his large collection of luxury cars, for being deported from the United States and for the refusal of 21 countries to receive him in their territory.

For some a hero, for others a villain. In any case, the truth is that his teachings are very valid, although he himself may have transgressed them. The Osho story we share today is a sign that whoever it was was someone with a lot of wisdom.

the wishing tree

This Osho story says that the Hindu concept of paradise believes that Eden is a place populated by extraordinary beings and possibilities. Among them, that of containing trees of desires. These are beings endowed with magical powers.

They look like ordinary trees, but they have the power to fulfill any desire requested by mortals as soon as expressed.

It is said that there was once a man very involved in what was material. He had evolved very little in the spiritual order and devoted all his concerns to the immediate.

On one occasion, the protagonist of this Osho story was deeply asleep. His spirit began to wander. It wasn’t logical that this should happen to him while he was alive, but there was an error in the natural order of things. That’s why he arrived in the world beyond.

Suddenly, the spirit  of the man in our history was faced with several paths. He didn’t know which one to take and simply decided to go with the one that was closest. Great luck, as this road led directly to the paradise of the Hindus. However, the man did not know this.


wishes come true

According to this story from Osho, the man was fascinated by everything he found in the enchanted garden. It looked very beautiful, but he had no idea he was in Eden. Therefore, he behaved as if he were in a common place.

He walked for a while and soon felt tired. So he decided to get some sleep. Without suspecting, he chose a wishing tree to settle in and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, all he could think about was that he was very hungry. Then he said, I would like to have something delicious to eat. I’m very hungry . Suddenly, with great astonishment, the most delicious foods appeared before his eyes. Without asking why this had happened, the man just wanted to satisfy his appetite.

When he finished eating, he felt thirsty. So he said, I wish I had something to drink. I’m very thirsty”. He hadn’t even finished saying that when the most delicious wines appeared, which he immediately drank until he was satisfied.

wish tree

a disconcerting ending

Already with his appetite and thirst sated, he realized that what was happening was not normal. Osho’s story says that it was then that the man  began to suspect that something very strange was going on. He started to feel scared and said: Am I dreaming or are there ghosts playing a trick on me?”

As his words were commands, the wishing tree made reality what was in that man’s mind. Then, several ghosts appeared and began to torment him. Of course the man was terrified. Without thinking about what he was saying, he said: They are horrible! I’m sure they’ll kill me!” .

As you can imagine, the ghosts killed him. Despite the naivety of the Osho story, it contains a very true teaching: it  speaks of the magic that words have. It explains how we somehow attract what we want.

So, although other ingredients are needed, the desire itself is already a favorable wind. Through words we shape our conscience and our will. Therefore, and although it is hard to believe, we end up having everything that is on our mind, even without the wishing tree to help us.

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