Throw Me To The Wolves And I’ll Lead The Pack

Throw Me To The Wolves And I’ll Lead The Pack

Each one carries on his back and in his heart a battle of his own. None can be compared to your neighbor’s, your partner’s, or your best friend’s.

We all carry our well-hidden fears, traces of the past that have not yet healed, and present labyrinths where we sometimes don’t find the way out and in which we see more enemies than allies.

Is there any explanation of why certain situations occur? Some say that our problems are a direct result of our own actions or bad decisions. It is not true, this rule is not always true.

Sometimes things fail because adversity shakes us at random, just like that, because the person you trusted has failed, because what was once safe is no longer safe, because health is not always made of iron, but yes glass.

It’s not easy, but the truth is that when we come to this world, no one can assure us that our days will be calm. Someone, somewhere, should warn us that we must learn as soon as possible to be leaders in wolf packs.

Strong creatures in the face of all adversity. So tell us… Are you a good fighter too?

I will lead my opponents, I will fight the difficulties

It is said that people lose their innocence the moment the first difficulty appears, the loss or the change that has altered our way of seeing the world forever.

We are aware that at times, the big words come to nothing, in smoke that escapes through an open window through motivational phrases that many cannot apply to reality.

Despite this, and knowing that your difficulties are very special, it is worth thinking about it, breaking some of your internal schemes to defeat external enemies.

woman-face with-drawn-wolf

Take these aspects into account:

  • There is no worse enemy than your own limiting thoughts. On some occasions, we come to think that our surroundings are full of wolves, constant threats that impede our personal growth, our happiness.
  • Change your thoughts and you will change your reality. And no, that’s not a catch phrase.

Take the power away from those who harm you or have done so in the past. Advance without useless weights. Don’t add to your suffering with quiet resentments.

Reflect on this for a moment. Instead of focusing your attention outward to contemplate your hardships, look inward and find the value that the sense of survival has given you.

How to face difficulties

Sometimes we get tired of being told what the greatest learning is offered by adversity, vital moments that put us to the test so that, through suffering, we acquire knowledge.

We all live in the “here and now” dealing with problems and waiting for this vital knowledge to drop from the sky to improve our situation. How long do we have to wait?

At what point will I finally lead my pack of wolves if I have lived among them for so long?


Some people get used to living with their enemies. He accepts, assumes and lets himself be carried away for fear of change, for fear of what might happen. We cannot criticize them, because everyone is free to live the life they want, albeit at the expense of unhappiness and frustration.

  • Lead your life,  we are sure that the effort is worth it. To do this, recognize your enemies, the exteriors as well as the interiors (is it fear? is it indecision? insecurity?)
  • Name what happens to you.  Are you unhappy with someone? Doesn’t the life you have now make you happy? What are you afraid of?
  • It’s time to impose your voice, but you’ll start by talking to yourself: What do I need to feel better? Will the effort be worth it? How will I lead my fears to make them disappear? And my outer enemies?

Images Courtesy: Marjorie Miller, Yan Yuunei.

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