When Emotion Is Not Expressed, The Heart Aches

When Emotion Is Not Expressed, The Heart Aches

There is no one capable of looking at themselves and seeing the emptiness in themselves, because even emptiness is deep inside all of us. We are full of emotion, people , moments, tiny details that make us each day  like the people we are.

All these little big things made us big at some point in our lives, including absences: because I know of people who live in an abundance of absences and even that sounds like being full. What happens is that  we are also full of emotions that cause us pain and when they are not expressed, the heart does not advance.

Let yourself be heard, put away what hurts you

If there’s one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the animals, it’s the ability to speak. The word, in addition to being our most distinctive tool of expression, is also sometimes the best cure we can have for our inner selves. Speaking is naming what we feel.

In this sense, one of the things that will always make us feel better is to be grateful for the possibility that the ability to express ourselves out loud offers us. So we can show what hurts, let it out, and make it go away. Expressing what we feel is a way to free ourselves.


The expression of our feelings is the way out of everything that does not let the heart be happy.

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The moments in which life closes its doors, including for ourselves, make us lose the reins of who we are. The only way to take back the reins is to let yourself be heard, to  scream ,  if necessary.

We clearly know that we cry, hurt and even hate each other. As if we were to blame for being blocked and as if there was something more powerful than us, which forces us to remain silent and remain imprisoned: we don’t know how to define it for sure, but it’s there.

Because what I wanted to get across with the title is that  when pain is not expressed, the heart aches.  It hurts because everything is still inside, as if we had pins in our hands and, every time we touched, we pricked each other.

However, we don’t realize that  we have within us an “invincible summer”, an “I can” that can do anything. What we forget is that a person’s heart needs to go out from time to time, it needs the windows to be opened so that it can be healed, healed, cared for and dressed.


The hardest smile to express is that of the soul

When we let the heart not close and open ourselves to other people and the world, it is normal for us to feel relief and progressive satisfaction. We will experience such a pleasurable sensation that, in the next few times, we will try to act similarly.

As you start to move forward, little by little, you will see a smile creep across your face.  That smile cost horrors; but now you know better than anyone else. It took crying, suffering and a lot of personal effort to achieve it.

We let the dark colors out of our interior, and when that happens, we see a rainbow again. Just like when it rains, because  it takes rain to see the sky in its best version. 

In other words,  the most difficult smile to express is that of the soul, because if it is not expressed, there will be something within us that will not let us be all of our essence. When you do that, you discover that you should love yourself and that the world is there to be enjoyed, without limits and with storms.

Image credits: Kathy Hare, Lana Wynne, Sabine Pieper

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