You Are Brave Because You Have Returned To The Place Where Your Heart Was Broken

You Are Brave Because You Have Returned To The Place Where Your Heart Was Broken

Seneca used to say that when the sun goes down, we see its greatness better. Most of us go through life always looking for “more”: to be richer, prettier, smarter, more loved. Thus, in this state of always wanting to have more than others, we forget that the search for greatness hides our “smallness”. In reality, enjoying the little things and performing small acts that demonstrate our courage is a sign of greatness.

The person who performs a heroic act, who fights against the oppressor, who performs great deeds for others is very brave, but the person who goes to visit a sick friend, who consoles a crying child, who dares to return to the place where the your heart is also very brave.

brave man facing the sea

The Skeptic’s Enneatype and His Hidden Virtue: Courage

The enneagram is a technique used by psychotherapists, coaches, psychiatrists, which classifies the personality into nine different types called enneatypes. It is a map of how we behave, how we are and how we relate to the other’s way of being.

The nine enneatypes are as follows: the perfectionist (anger), the helper (pride), the motivator (vanity), the different (envy), the detached (greed), the skeptic (fear), the enthusiast (gluttony), the dominant (lust), and the peacemaker (laziness), (in parentheses, the defect of each).

The nomenclature of enneatypes varies according to the author, but in our case, what interests us is enneatype 06 (skeptical or questioning), because its defect is fear, but its hidden virtue is courage. Enneatype 06 is always in doubt about something, because he is afraid, feels the danger and is unable to make up his mind.

Being brave is facing fears with determination and confidence, knowing the risks we take. However, how can we deal with fears and act like a brave person? Here are some suggestions:

The beginning of being brave: forgiveness

When someone hurts us, we want revenge so that he will pay for everything he has done to us. Every time we think about revenge, we relive all the hurt and suffering, and it becomes a vicious circle.

The remedy for this pain is forgiveness. The forgiver replaces a series of destructive behaviors toward the person who hurt him with more constructive ones.

Forgiveness is a necessary step to quench our thirst for revenge and free us from suffering .

Some believe that forgiveness involves not just a change in behavior, but a positive action on the person who has hurt us. In fact, forgiveness is not a single action, but a process that goes through several steps that are completed until reaching total forgiveness.


go back to where you were made to suffer

Going back to the place where we were made to suffer is an act of bravery that may seem small, but it turns us into everyday heroes. We often avoid returning to the place that causes us a very intense feeling and unpleasant memories.

However, in order to forgive, it may be necessary to go back and face the challenge : learning to control feelings and not letting them get carried away.

What do you feel when you go back to the house where you lived with a partner who left you? At first, you will feel frustration, sadness, and images of the past, happy or not, will come back to you. But don’t forget that we need to live and enjoy the present. Gradually erase these sad memories from your mind and build new ones that are based on your courage and forgiveness.

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